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Public Records Request

In order to best serve the public, all requests to examine or copy public documents must be made in writing. We will respond to your request within three business days after receiving it in the Eagle Fire Administrative office or send you notice that the response will require additional time (up to 10 days) to complete. Please sign all forms prior to emailing, mailing or dropping them off.

There can be costs associated with gathering and reproducing records. The customer must pay the appropriate cost to the Eagle Fire Department before the records are released.

In order to best serve the public, all requests to examine or copy public documents must be made in writing. We will respond to your request within three business days after receiving it in the Eagle Fire Administrative office or send you notice that the response will require additional time (up to 10 days) to complete. Please sign all forms prior to emailing, mailing or dropping them off.

There can be costs associated with gathering and reproducing records. The customer must pay the appropriate cost to the Eagle Fire Department before the records are released.

Public Records Request